Fine Codes

The following codes are used for fines relating to match cards.

NMCNo Match CardNo match card received by the deadline
PSMPlayer Signature MissingOne or more player signatures missing
PDMPlayer Details MissingOne or more date of birth or registration numbers missing
RNORegistration Numbers OrderPlayers not listed in registration number order (not used at present)
ICFIncomplete Card FrontDetails missing from front of card (team name, division, etc.)
TNMTeam Name MissingTeam name(s) missing from back of card
RNNReferee Not NamedName of referee missing
LAMLeague Appointed MissingNo "yes/no" indicated for whether the referee was league-appointed
NRMNo Referee MarkNo mark given for the referee
NSRNo Score/ResultScore (goals) missing for one or both teams
MSMManager Signature/Name MissingCard not correctly signed by the manager or the manager name is missing
MCEMultiple Card ErrorsThree or more of the above present on the match card