The following notes are intended to assist Club Secretaries and Team Managers, when making an application for transfer of players. The transfer procedure is simple if the following steps are carried out.
- Familiarise yourselves with Rules 8H (i) to (x)
- Explain the Transfer procedure to the player and parent/guardian.
- Obtain the consent of the player’s current Team Manager
- The Club the player wishes to transfer to must first ascertain that all kit and equipment has been returned to the club the player is currently signed to.
- Once confirmed the club can then make application to the League Transfer Admin Officer for a League Transfer Form.
- The League Transfer Admin Officer will already have completed part of the form. These details must not be altered. If there are any queries, please refer back to the League Transfer Admin Officer immediately.
- Fill in details of Part 1.
- Player and Parent/Guardian must agree to the transfer request and sign the declaration.
- The Receiving Club Secretary must sign the transfer form.
- The releasing Club Secretary, confirms their agreement by signing the transfer form and releasing the said player’s registration card.
- Note: - If there is an objection to the transfer by the releasing club they must put the reason for their objection in writing and send their objection and the said player’s registration card to the League Transfer Admin Officer, within 7 days of the refusal to sign a league transfer form see Rule 8H (v)
- Send the completed transfer form, registration card and a stamped addressed envelope to the League Transfer Administration Officer (detailed below)
- On return of the registration card the player will be eligible to play
- A £5.00 administration fee will be debited to the requesting club league account.
Please Note: -
The requesting club has a maximum of 14 days from the form being issued to being submitted.
Transfer Objections (See Rule 8H (v))
Objection to a Transfer by the Releasing Club must be given in writing within 7 days of refusal to release the transferring player, to the League Transfer Administration Officer, ensuring they have included the players registration card.
Transfer Administration Officer:
Brenda Leeds,
18 Buxton Rd, Northumberland Heath,
Tel: - 01322 350 515