- Player
registrations will commence on 1st August 2017 in each season.
- Cards should be
filled in with black or blue ink, preferably ballpoint pen. Correcting fluid or Red ink must not be
used and will invalidate the Registration Card. If the player has not been previously registered with
this League, proof of date of birth ((a) valid passport, (b) birth certificate
or such alternative proof of date of birth) must accompany the Registration Card
in the form of a photocopy, which will be retained by the League. Original documents will not be accepted
and the Registration Administrator will not proceed with the registration until
a copy is provided. If the player has previously been registered, the previous
season’s registration card may be submitted as proof of date of birth.
- Registration
Documents should only be sent to the appropriate Registration Administrator who
is the person responsible for your player’s division. (Details of the RA’s is
to be uploaded to the web site in due course and will also be issued at the
July AGM) Check that all sections of the Registration Card are completed
correctly as follows: -
- Two identical passport
sized photographs, printed on photographic paper, correctly affixed to the
registration card showing head and shoulders which is a true current likeness of the player.
- The likeness must not
be obscured by the wearing of any sunglasses, scarves, hats or other.
- A fully and correctly completed League Registration Card
signed by the player (Capital letter signatures or initials only will not be
accepted) and witnessed by a parent or guardian (not required for players 18
and above) and countersigned by the Club Secretary/Club Registration Officer.
- Players must replicate this signature on all Selkent
Competition match cards.
- Players in the age groups U8’s and U7’s are permitted to
sign first names only
- Club
Secretary/Club Registration Office, must check the player’s original birth
certificate or other documents proving date of birth and also ensure themselves
that the player is not currently registered with any other Club in league
membership, before adding their signature
authorising the player’s registration card.
- You are required
to ensure that you have the Registration Card authorised by the League
Registration Administrator and returned to you before the player is eligible to
play. A player without a league authorised registration card available for the
opposition to view, is not permitted to take to the field of play in any
Selkent league cast fixture. Players must be registered fully and
correctly 5 days before taking part in a match.
- When sending
completed registration cards to the Registration Administrator, you MUST enclose a sufficiently stamped addressed
envelope. Please do not use
registered or recorded delivery post to send your registrations to the RA. The RA’s are not always available to sign to
receive the goods and this may therefore delay player registration. Should you need to visit a Registration
Administrator, you must make an appointment to do so before calling.
- Player
registration cards are available at the league meetings or by request from
either the League Registration Secretaries or the League Transfer Admin
Officer. If you require them to be
posted, you MUST send a sufficiently
stamped addressed envelope for their return.
- All Club Teams must have
registered by the 1st September a
minimum of: -
- 5 v
5 5
- 7 v 7 7
- 9 v 9
- 11 v
11 11 players
Failure to
do so may result in a fine.
- Player
registration closes on the last day of February.