Child Protection Policy Statement

The South East London and Kent Youth League is committed to creating and preserving the safest possible environment for children to play football.

It is the duty of all League Management, Referees, Club officials, Team Managers and any other individuals directly or indirectly involved with member clubs or teams playing in the League to be aware of, and help prevent the abuse which children can suffer, neglect, physical, sexual and emotional.

The South East London and Kent Youth League accepts children’s welfare is paramount and all children, whatever their age, culture, disability, gender or religious belief, have the right to protection from abuse. All suspicions and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately, by the League and should be reported to the Leagues Child Welfare Officer without delay.


  • To be clear about the League responsibilities when running activities for children and young people.
  • Working with Member Clubs Welfare Officers
  • Working with the County FA Welfare Officer
  • Promoting The FA's Respect programme and helping to develop best-practice processes

Selkent Youth League Welfare Officers details: -

Sally Dolan

193 Crookston Road, Eltham, SE9 1YE

Mobile: 07951 717 051 Tele: 020 8859 8325


League CRB County Verifiers details:-

Shayne Hoadley

207 Colyers Lane, Erith, DA8 3PU

Mobile: 07890 541 644


Adam Peters

52 Holburne Road, Kidbrooke, SE3 8HP

Mobile: 07984 090 805
